



Important Update: Changes to UPS Brokerage Operations Process on Submission of Invoice Line to Customs (US and CA shipment)

Dear Customer

At UPS, we take pride in our role as a global trade enabler and are constantly looking at ways to serve our customers better by simplifying the brokerage customs clearance process.

Please be informed that with effect from November 5, 2023, there will be some changes to UPS Brokerage Operations process for shipments destined to the U.S. and Canada, along with revisions to the Additional Tariff Line Surcharge rates in the U.S. and Canada.

Currently, when your entry lines have the same Harmonised Tariff Line Code (HTS) or Country of Origin (COO), UPS Brokerage Operations team will consolidate these entry lines into one entry line when submitting to Customs.

However, from November 5, 2023 onwards, each of your invoice line submitted will remain distinct as one entry line to ensure clearer and more streamlined entry processing and submission to customs by UPS. This change will allow you to reconcile the commercial invoice line item with customs tariff and duty amount line by line.

This will impact all shipments destined to the U.S. and Canada from worldwide origins, and you will experience the impact when shipping as Free Domicile into these destinations.

In addition to the abovementioned changes, there will also be revisions to the Additional Tariff Lines Surcharge in the U.S. and Canada, as follow:


o   U.S. destined shipments: Charges beyond the first three entry lines will be reduced to USD $2.70/line, from USD $3.20/line.

      • Means from the fourth line, we will charge USD2.7/line

o   Canada destined shipments: Additional tariff classification lines beyond the initial five lines will be reduced to CAD $4.30/line, from CAD $5.00/line.

      • Means from the sixth line, we will charge CAD4.3/line

We believe that these changes underscore our commitment to clearer brokerage customs clearance process for our customers moving forward. Should you have any questions on the above, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.

As always, thank you for entrusting us with your business and we look forward to continuing delivering what matters most for you.




在UPS,我们以成为全球贸易推动者的角色感到自豪,并持续寻找简化经纪海关清关流程的方法,以更好地为客户提供服务。 特此通知,自2023年11月5日起,将对运往美国和加拿大的UPS经纪营运流程进行一些变更,以及对美国和加拿大的额外关税行附加费率进行修订。


然而,从2023年11月5日起,您提交的每个发票行将作为独立的报关行保留,以确保更清晰和更有效率的报关处理和提交给海关。 此变更将使您能够按行对商业发票行项目与海关关税和税费金额进行对帐。 这将影响所有从全球各地运往美国和加拿大的货物,并在将货物以自由目的地方式运送到这些目的地时会产生影响。


– 美国目的地货物:超过前三个报关行的费用, 每行2.70美元。

-> 意思是从第四行开始,我们将收取USD2.7/行

– 加拿大目的地货物:超过最初五个报关行的额外关税行,每行4.30加元。

-> 意思是从第六行开始,我们将收取CAD4.3/行

我们相信,这些变更凸显了我们对为客户提供更清晰的经纪海关清关流程的承诺。 如果您对以上内容有任何疑问,请随时与我联络。 再次感谢您对我们的业务的信任,我们期待继续为您提供最重要的服务。

